We are thrilled to hear that one of our properties fits your family needs!
It’s time to get the process started and you have come to the right place. A $30 application fee per adult is required to start, so before we spend some hard earned money, let’s make sure you qualify.
- Our screening takes an average of 2 days to process and is streamlined to get you into your new home sooner. Our screening consists of 3 sections. See below to make sure you qualify today!
Background Screening
Each adult (18 years or older) living in your home will have a background check completed.
- No prior evictions.
- No criminal background. Click here for details. (Ties to the FAQ “If I have a criminal background does that disqualify me from renting your property?, from APPLY NOW page.)
- No big collections.
Income Screening
Approved applicant(s) will show 2.7 times the rent amount for income.
- We will need 4 pay stubs OR 3 bank statements to show consistent income.
Credit Review
A review of credit history will be factored in. We understand that sometimes bad things happen and therefore we have policies in place for any student loan or medical bills that are in collections. Big collections will disqualify a tenant, however smaller collections may be negotiated with an additional security deposit or co-signer.
Prior Rental History
We will verify that you are leaving your current housing situation in good standing. Payments made on time and property left in good condition are factors.
- If no rental history is available, we may ask for a co-signor or create a solution that satisfies this requirement.
Each applicant must be 18 or older.
Not necessarily. Our policy is that any of the following convictions in the last 10 years will be denied due to the potential harm to our staff and to the community living of our residents:
- Illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance
- Assault
- Sexual Assault/Rape
- Burglary
- Possession of a firearm without a license
- Writing fraudulent checks

Got Pets?
We love furry companions and many of our properties are pet
friendly. Click here to review pet qualifications.